mares of Silverado

mares of Silverado

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Belle Starr:Accused of Starving Horses at her Silverado Ranch--Douglas,AZ

Legendary Belle Starr from Kentucky--
 the Horse Capital of the world*****
soon to be 84--Sept 1-and STILL IN MOTION
checking in through my Blog posts---to the world
of bloggers and others********

Since buying this Spanish Land Grant Ranch--(formerly
40,000 acres known as Box Hook Ranch) and now "SILVERADO"  a total of almost 20 years----I have been subjected to invasions of the Border Patrol------chasing Illegals through my property-----all of my out buildings being RAMSACKED by the BORDER PATROL  looking for Illegals--  my perimiter fences being damaged by their ATV'S---
My horses having their throat slashed by barbed wire---being 
spooked by chasing Illegals on their ATV'S---through my
property---(herding them like animals) to awaiting Vans
on highway 80. And within the last year----my van interior
wrecked-----looking for DRUGS.

I have been raided at least 10 times over the course of years
by the US Customs--looking for DRUGS--including my  house--
my basement --along with all out buildings.

I have been subjected as being a KNOWN DRUG SMUGGLER
according to the Sheriff's Dept of Cochise County---and the
HOMELAND SECURITY (border patrol).

My Horses--being seized by the Ag Dept of Agriculture--
through reports made from local citizens (you know--those
Do Gooders----flapping their tongues when they have nothing
else to do but "waste gasoline--polluting the environment---
and living off the Government Welfare--with the exception of a few-----

As of June 22---
I have entertained a Rattlesnake in my kitchen---sent here to WARN the lady in charge of my HorseAffairs----that I was a thief--a liar----a slave driver--treated her "poorly" while she was living on the ranch and a WICKED-EVIL WOMAN.

June 25----Threats made to me---while standing at my kitchen

door----me in my wheel chair---"-I AM GOING TO RUIN YOU
TAKE YOUR HORSES."  (Her views and video's were submitted on "youtube"  user/composer--RachelrClink: for the world of internet to view.  The lady was asked to vacate the Ranch--she did--June 27

June 28--summons to court by AZ Dept of Ag.-Livestock division--led by Hilary O'Bert--the inspector.

June 28----AZ Adult Protective Services arrived----on a report
"I was in a wheel chair----unable to care for myself--No Food--my house was dirty--Dog feces through  all my house--my animals and horses were being starved.

I have decided that I have been HARASSED--THREATENED 
ENOUGH through these 20 years of "living on the Border"
                IT'S TIME TO TAKE ACTION

ALL  who has been instrumental in "unlawfully taking my
beloved horses--- false accussations (through the internet--by
concerned citizens---being a drug smuggler and harboring Illegals on my ranch-) Trying to Ruin my Character--my Reputation and Damaging my Health --being caused by STRESS----a known killer to those suffering from Muscular Sclerosis-- as I have had since 2001 and also -unable to walk through a broken hip.

TODAY----In my wheel chair --my outdoor scooter and my John
Deer Gator tractor----I am once again---taking charge of
"what needs to be done
"    to get my "life back" from these vultures ----to go on with my mission for "Silverado"
and to follow through with those FAMOUS WORDS--------- 

Two things you don't want to MESS WITH-----------


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